Kabaddi Stars in the Spotlight

Nitesh Kumar

UP Champions

Matches: 90+ | Tackles: 380+ | Leadership Wins: 40+

Manjeet Singh

Haryana Knights

Points: 850+ | Matches: 70+ | Raids: 1900+

Mohammad Esmaeil

Tehran Titans

Tackles: 420+ | Matches: 115+ | Defensive MVP: 3 Seasons

Immerse Yourself in Kabaddi Action

Assemble your dream Kabaddi squad and compete in fast-paced, action-packed leagues. Track real-time performance data, refine your strategies, and climb the rankings.

Please be aware that fantasy sports may be restricted by local regulations in certain regions. Always review your state laws before participating.

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Kabaddi Introduction

Major Competitions

Pro Kabaddi Battle

Pro Kabaddi Showdown

A premier national league featuring top-tier Kabaddi athletes. Draft your elite lineup and prove your mastery on the mat.

Global Kabaddi Championship

World Kabaddi Cup

Bring your best tactics to a global stage. Compete against fans worldwide in the ultimate international Kabaddi tournament.

Regional Kabaddi Leagues

Regional Rivalries

Showcase your talent in state-level leagues, championing the local spirit of Kabaddi with every match.

Winning Strategies & Tips

Balance Raiders & Defenders

Ensure your squad has enough star raiders for high-scoring opportunities and reliable defenders for steady points.

Monitor Fitness Reports

Injuries can significantly alter a player's performance. Stay updated on fitness stats to avoid risky picks.

Utilize Captain & Vice-Captain Wisely

Double or triple your points by selecting in-form players as Captain and Vice-Captain. This choice can turn the tables in your favor.

Embrace the Kabaddi Spirit

Draft your ultimate team, compete against passionate fans, and rise to the challenge in every match. Sign up now and seize your victory!

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Kabaddi Final Call